The NASC held a meeting with an international flavour today – spreading the ‘safe scaffolding through regulation & publication’ #ItHasToBeNASC message across the globe to Australia – as we welcomed Stephen Easterbrook, Managing Director at Breight Group, and Cohen McLeod, their Contracts Manager.
Construction Industry Scaffolders Record Scheme (CISRS) Compliance Manager, Tony Barry & NASC Health & Safety Manager, Steve Kearney, held the meeting with the two Australian mining company executives at our HQ in London. Agenda items included the prevention of dropped objects, tethering and scaffolding and access safety.
Mr Easterbrook said: “We came to the UK some 10+ years ago and I was so impressed with the NASC/CISRS documentation framework and wanted to discuss in further detail and talk matters relating to the international scaffolding industry collectively. The scaffolding industry in Western Australia has a reputation for being below average and we are on a best practice mission, looking at what is out there to improve things. Thanks to the NASC, the education is out there and their help is sincerely appreciated.”
This is just one way the NASC is representing the high standards set here in the UK scaffolding sector by our members, across the globe.