The NASC continued its mission to pro-actively encourage young adults into the scaffolding and access sector via the CISRS training scheme – with a successful stand at the two-day National School and College Leavers Show (NCSL) in Glasgow, March 27-28th.
The NASC stand – manned by NASC staff, H&S Manager, Steve Kearney and Training Officer, Henry Annafi with further members’ support from Mark Skinner of City Access Scaffolding, Paul Mulholland, Regan O’Connor, and Kieran Campbell of Lyndon SGB (Tuesday) and Kevin Fitzpatrick of Enigma-I, Dan Wilson from Mar Scaffolding, Rob Aitken & Ronnie Charters from RDA Scaffolding and Chris Austin from Check-It Group (Wednesday) – also featured a stair tower scaffold structure, from NASC members, Stepup Scaffold UK. Mr Simon Russell of Stepup Scaffold UK also supported and provided a demonstration of the scaffold structure across both days.
More than 200 young people and teachers visited the NASC stand on the Tuesday, with over 30 requesting follow-up conversations with employers. Attendance peaked on the Wednesday however, with over 250 visitors to the NASC stand and upwards of 60 requested further info from members about career and training opportunities in the scaffolding sector. Attendees were particularly excited to try the working at height VR headset experience, simulating a scaffolding inspection – which has proved a popular demonstration of the life of a scaffolded at all NASC events, including inside prisons, for the NASC’s ‘Returning Citizens’ career drive.
Some 260 NASC and member company business cards were taken by young people and teachers, and at least four schools, one college and three charities working with young people have requested assemblies, visits, and discussions with NASC members – presenting great leads for our Scottish members to capitalise on.
All attending Scottish NASC company members found the event a valuable opportunity and are keen to build on it. They have all stated that they are eager to get involved in the Returning Citizens scheme as well, providing an unforeseen benefit.
“This event was a tremendous success for us,” said Henry Annafi for NASC. “We were thrilled to meet so many enthusiastic young people and teachers interested in careers in our industry. We are grateful to our members for their support and are delighted that so many attendees left our stand eager to find out more about apprenticeships and CISRS training.”
The NASC is committed to continuing their work to encourage young people into the scaffolding and access industry across Scotland and is excited to build on the success of their recent exhibition at the National School and College Leavers Show.