The NASC and CISRS have a busy week of activities planned nationwide in support of the 2023 National Apprenticeship Week (#NAW20223).
National Apprenticeship Week brings together businesses and apprentices across the country to shine a light on the positive impact that apprenticeships make to individuals, businesses and the wider economy. The theme for National Apprenticeship Week 2023 is “Skills for Life” – reflecting on how apprenticeships allow people to acquire, skills, experience and knowledge required for a rewarding career, and businesses to develop a talented workforce that is equipped with future-ready skills.
The week of activities begins on Monday 6th February with Dave Mosley NASC Acting MD/CISRS MD visiting apprentices at the NETA Training facility in Stockton, Teesside – hearing their stories of how their apprenticeship journey started, what they have learned to date and where they hope to how their qualifications can take them.
He will also be dropping into to AIS-Survivex in North Shields, Tyneside to meet a brand-new cohort of apprentices just beginning their scaffolding journey and attending induction training.
On Tuesday 7th, David Anderson of NASC members, Allen and Foxworthy in Swindon (Chairman of the NASC S. West and S. Wales committee) will be dropping in on apprentices and their Instructor Adie Holmes on their Part 2A course at the Somax Construction Training Centre Simian’s facility in Weston.
CISRS Compliance Manager and ex-CISRS lead Instructor Tony Barry will be talking with apprentices at Construction College Midlands in Birmingham – where he will deliver an overview on the CISRS scheme to apprentices, whilst reviewing work on-going of a new training facility, which is currently under construction. This fresh CISRS venue will radically increase the capacity at Construction College Midlands allowing them to train more apprentices in coming years.
And Henry Annafi, NASC Training Officer will be taking part in a Job Fest event at the London Academy of Sustainable Construction (LASC) Simian Waltham Forest – an opportunity for school leavers and Waltham Forest residents to meet local construction employers such as Breyer Group and visit the Scaffolding training facility #NAW2023.
On Wednesday 8th February, Ronnie Charters of RDA Scaffolding Ltd Glasgow (NASC Scotland and N. Ireland Regional Chairman) will attend an apprentice open day at NCC Scotland Inchinnan – hosted by lead instructor, Alastair O’May. This will be an opportunity for employers to meet the CISRS trainers and assessors and other staff involved with the development and support of the delegates as they progress through their qualification.
Thursday 9th February, NASC MD and CISRS Scheme Manager, Dave Mosley will be the guest of honour with main contractor Lendlease and scaffolding sub-contractor and NASC members – Lyndon SGB by BrandSafway – at one of Europe’s largest construction sites – #OTH at Manchester Town Hall for Manchester City Council.
Here, Mr. Mosley will be given a full tour of the multi-million-pound scaffolding, hoists and temporary roofing by Lyndon SGB Site Manager, Craig Parry and meet some of the many Lendlease construction and Lyndon SGB scaffolding apprentices who have been hired and trained-up for this £330M partial restoration of the Grade 1-Listed Gothic town hall project. Scaffolding industry media, Scaffmag will be covering the #NAW2023 event, along with leading trade press, Construction News.
If the opportunity arises, Mr Mosley also hopes to visit Total People who also deliver scaffolding apprenticeships at their Wythenshawe campus at the end of the #NAW2023.
Speaking about the events planned for #NAW2023, Mr. Mosley added: “I am very pleased to see NASC and CISRS getting out and about to meet the next generation of scaffolders during National Apprenticeship Week. The industry has always supported the apprenticeship programme but don’t often get the opportunity to drop into the centres and actually meet the instructors and the apprentices. We need to do more to promote scaffolding as a safe and very rewarding career choice to as wide an audience as possible and #NAW2023 is the perfect time to do it.
“I look forward to hearing first-hand what the trainees have to say about their scaffolding journey so far and we hope to learn a lot from them. I would like to thank both NASC members and wider industry for continuing to supporting the apprenticeship programme, the CISRS training providers and apprentices who will be taking part, as well as the industry press for giving #NAW2023 and scaffolding apprenticeships the coverage it warrants.”