This guidance outlines your legal requirements to charge interest on late payments, types of contracts it applies to, substantial remedies, date from which interest can be calculated.
This guidance is available for pdf download only.
It is quite common for the employers of scaffolding companies to adjust the Applications for Payment / Invoices submitted by the scaffolder. The process is often referred to as setting-off. This guidance outlines the rules for setting-off and also offers guidance on potential remedies to the Scaffolding Company. 2 pages
Generally written contracts specify a date for completion of the works. Whichever method is used failure to complete the work by the specified date may leave the scaffolder open to employer's claims. This guidance outlines the circumstances and how different situations can be managed. 2 pages
This guidance outlines the differences between an estimate, quotation and tender and provides advice and recommendations on how to provide a well drafted quote. 2 pages
This guidance explains the definition of operating under the terms of the 'Construction Act'. Includes advice on contract terms and receiving payment under the scheme. This guidance is available for pdf download only.
This guidance note relates to schedules intended to be used for the valuation of additional work and/or variations to existing lump sum contracts. For the avoidance of doubt this guidance note does not relate to schedules of rates used in connection with contracts which are re-measured as the works proceed. This guidance is available for pdf download only.
This guidance note sets out the information that the Scaffolding Company should seek from the Employer. This information will be used by the Scaffolding Company in order to produce their Quotation and will be the basis for their offer. It is important that the Scaffolding Contractor obtains as much information about the Project as possible prior to firming up their price in order to reduce the risk they are exposed to. 4 pages
Adjudication has over the past few years become the most popular form of dispute resolution in the construction industry. This guidance explains the process of adjudication and the steps you need to follow. This guidance is available for pdf download only.
This guidance provides an overview of a contractor’s legal rights and courses of action in the event of late payment of commercial debts. It also includes detailed flow charts and template letters that can be used to help chase any monies owed.
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