This guidance note is concerned with advice for the safe erection, use and dismantling of temporary suspended chutes intended for the conveyance of waste construction materials. The guidance covers chutes constructed of detachable sections made of metal or non-metallic material, attached to scaffolding.
4 pages
Other than for very small contracts most contracts of any size have a pre-contract meeting. The primary purpose of the meeting is often for the parties to clarify specific points in the enquiry and quotation. This guidance outlines items to be covered in the meeting, pitfalls and a recommended strategy. 2 pages
The purpose of this guidance note is to bring together, in one document, some of the more common qualifications used by members. It is not suggested that the list is exhaustive or that the wording of individual clauses is appropriate to each and every similar situation. However, it may serve as a check list for estimators. 10 pages
This is an instruction manual for managing a project and relies on knowledge, skill and expertise to operate it. The mechanisms have to be understood and complied with. Those intending to subcontract under this form should, as a minimum, obtain and read the form and its associated guidance notes. 8 pages
Daywork is a method of valuing construction work according to the time spent carrying out work together with the value of the plant and materials resources used. It is an alternative to valuing work by measurement. This guidance outlines when daywork can be charged, how it can be calculated and administration. This guidance is available for pdf download only. 4 pages
BS2482:2009 defines both visual and machine strength grading standards for 38mm x 225mm boards supported at 1.2m spans and 63mm x 225mm boards supported at 2.5m spans; and machine strength grading standards only for 38mm x 225mm boards supported at 1.5m spans. This guidance is reviewed on the basis of removing A grade boards that should not exist. A visually graded board is still a BS2482 product and should be marked as such on the end band. 6 pages
This guidance gives details of various methods available for satisfactorily securing scaffold boards to prevent movement. Users should satisfy themselves when/which boards require tying down and that any proprietary equipment or fixing method selected meets their requirements. This product is available in PDF format only. 4 pages
Please note - this guide is on back order as of 31 July 2024. We are waiting for a reprint and will send them out ASAP. The TG20 Operational Guide contains detailed practical guidance for most common types of scaffolding, supported by structural research and calculation. Guidance is provided for a range of standard structures which includes independent scaffolding, interior birdcages, chimney stack scaffolds, loading bays, ladder-access towers, free-standing towers, lift shaft towers, putlog scaffolding, exterior birdcages, tube and fitting mobile towers, tube and fitting loading bays without beams, and tied independent scaffolds with three inside boards. NASC members can purchase 10 or more copies of the TG20:21 Operational Guide book at the discounted rate of £25 per unit. To do so, please email sales@nasc.org.uk
TG4:19 had amendments predominantly in relation to the orientation of ring bolts where current thinking is that settlement is probably greater than side wind loads so reduces potential shear loads on the bolt. Other minor changes were cosmetic. A recent update in April 2019 saw the removal of one reference only when the guidance was reissued as TG4:19. 24 pages
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