Safety reports

The annual NASC Safety Report – available for free download below – is based on factual information reported by all full contracting members. It is a mandatory membership requirement for all full contracting members to complete their annual accident returns to the NASC.

The Safety Reports confirm that using an NASC member for your scaffolding will ensure a safer and more compliant scaffold than that provided by non-regulated scaffolding companies.

If you intend to use a non-regulated scaffolding company you may wish to ask them to provide their annual accidents return to compare their performance against that of an NASC member.

Scroll down to view our latest 2024 Safety Report


Get the reports

NASC Safety Report 2024

Note: Based on 2023 data.

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NASC Safety Report 2023

Note: Based on 2022 data.

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NASC Safety Report 2022

Note: Based on 2021 data.

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NASC Safety Report 2021

Note: Based on 2020 data.

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NASC Safety Report 2020

Note: Based on 2019 data.

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NASC Safety Report 2019

Note: Based on 2018 data.

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NASC Safety Report 2018

Note: Based on 2017 data.

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NASC Safety Report 2017

Note: Based on 2016 data.

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Did you know

NASC members recorded 81 accidents and injuries on site during 2020 – meaning that more than 99% of all NASC member operatives went through the year accident and injury-free.